Sunday, February 28, 2010

Can I have a do-over?

Do you ever get to the end of your weekend and wish you could have a “do-over”?
I had such great intentions, Jazzercise Saturday morning, chores around the house, nice home cooked meal for Sean and Cooper, yoga on Sunday morning and the Moscow Circus on Sunday afternoon. I managed to accomplish the last item on the list.

Saturday morning Jazzercise got beat out by Friday night poker the drifted into the wee hours of Saturday morning. Chores? Well, I just didn’t feel like it, not like they are going anywhere. As for the home cooked meal….I cooked it at home. Bockwurst and sauerkraut, what can I say I had a craving.

On to Sunday yoga. EVERY morning, without fail I wake up by 6:00, 7:00 at the latest so why set an alarm clock? Yoga’s at 8:30, I’ll wake up in plenty of time. Think you know where I am going with this. Yep that’s right the eyes opened at 8:15. So much for that. Guess it wasn’t meant to be.

The weekend success story was a trip to Yountville with my son to see the Moscow Circus. An afternoon of acrobatics, juggling, clowns and trapeze acts. All of which were nothing short of amazing. How do they do that? and how many times to they fall on their heads before they get it right? As I sat there surrounded by children and senior citizens watching the couple on the trapeze bending in ways that shouldn’t be possible, my mind couldn’t help but think….they must have one heck of an interesting sex life. Think about it, the normal “sex life” or should I say normal to me, holds a few select positions of fun, theirs? Oh my, the possibilities are endless.

The day ended with a dinner at the Red Hen in Napa. If you have never been there I highly recommend it. Some of the best Mexican food I have ever had.

Needless to say my quest to get in shape took a sabbatical this weekend….tomorrow’s another day.

I will “never stop trying”….tootles

1 comment:

  1. Hey I commented on this last night...and it disappeared into the abyss. So I won't stop trying and leave another one!
    So as I was saying....thank heaven's for tomorrow. Which is why I love tomorrows they always bring us a new and fresh prespective. Tomorrow, tomorrow I love ya's only a day away!
