Tuesday, February 23, 2010

What exactly is "Hot Yoga"?

Before today I could not of answered that question, however, believe me when I say I wish I would have asked alot more people that question before trying it out for myself.

Today, my never ending attempt to get in shape, led me to "hot yoga". Why you ask? I had tried a little WII yoga and it was fun, taking pose on the board with this pleasant lady in the background reminding me to stay balanced. After a couple sessios her incouragement gave me this false confidence that I was ready to move on to the real thing. Ahh ya....

I would have settled for a plain simple "yoga" class, but then my friend, at least I thought she was my friend, told me about her experience with "hot yoga" and how much she loved it so, being the falsely confident WII Yogi, I thought sure why not.

Together, we found a class that was conveniently located for both of us, made a quick trip to Target to buy and mat, set a date and the ball was rolling.

So here we are the big day....the brochure said bring two towels and water and I did. Two towels to wipe my brow and one bottle Costco water. Works for me at the gym why would this be any different? So we arrived at Berkram Yoga 101. Still feeling confident I pranced in with my bottle of water, cool new mat and two towels about the size of a kitchen towel. I should of known in the first five minutes it was time to terminate the mission. Everyone was dressed in barely more than a bathing suit (I had on long yoga pants and a tank top), they not only had two towels they had two beach towels and they had 3 plus bottles of water that were frozen. Did I mention it was 100 degrees in the room? No I am not exagerating. The instructor of course immediately picked out the "newbies" right off he bat and handed us more towels. My confidence was rapidly going out the window as I listened to her explain that the next time (like right) I would definitley want to wear shorts and a short sports bra. HELLO!!! Look at me lady are you kidding. It's bad enough I am crammed in here so tight that when I bend over my butt cheeks are going to brush the forehead of my neighbor, I am pretty sure she is happy I am "covered" up.

And the lesson begins, breathe, breathe, breathe, relax, relax.....are you for real how can I breathe in a 100 degree room AND relax. It was really not going to happen, but I was trying. The sweat was dripping the breaths were breathing and it was not good. 30 minutes in I was hoping for an earthquake just so I could get the you know what out of there. Not only was I dripping sweat, my brain was boiling giving me a splitting headache. Oh and did I mention and I had the pleasure of having right in front of me the gluteous maximus of a 70 year old man in spandex shorts who I kid you not had sweat pouring off him. His big toe was like the bottom of a rain downspout in huge storm....nice. I know I was supposed to be centered on myself and not paying attention but at this point the only thing on my mind was living. I was sure I was going to die. I kept looking at my friend hoping she was going to throw in the towel so I could graciously support her and leave too, but NO she had to keep going. One pose after another I trudged on, taking much needed breaks on my back often watching the clock the whole time hoping and praying that would make it through without passing out.

Somehow I made it through to the end and walked outside to take a breath of fresh air. I can only compare this breath to what I imagine a new born baby feels when they take there first breath of real air. It was heavenly.....almost orgasmic.

As for my friend, she assured me that this was not the experience she had had at her "hot yoga". Lucky for her she had just as miserable a time as I. Had she not we might not be having this conversation.

As I sit here typing I can say whole heartedly "hot yoga" is not for me, but I will continue my pursuit to wellness through yoga and hopefully find a class outside my WII that works for me.

So to answer the question "What exactly is "Hot Yoga"? HELL pure HELL

Ta ta for now....

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! Thank you for saving me from going through an unpleasant exercise experience....in case I ever thought I wanted to do "hot" yoga, now I know I don't. Oh, and welcome to the world of blog; it is a fun place to be.
