Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Glass Houses and Mirrors

As I get older and hopefully wiser, I realize that I spend alot more time looking in the proverbial "mirror". Admittedly I have "thrown stones", alot of stones in the past, but I am here tonight to say "I am going to do my best not to anymore".

The other day I was witness to a conversation that deeply disturbed and yes saddened me. A women was speaking of her step child and was saying how her step daughter was getting fatter and fatter everytime she saw her, looking more and more like her mother. The first problem I had with this is that she herself could stand to lose 50 if not more pounds, how can she comment on someone elses weight. The huger (is that a word) issue I had was that 3 days earlier I heard her reading off a shopping list to her other half telling him what to buy for the kids to eat for the next few days that they would be spending with them. The list went like this soda, juice, Hot Pockets, Lunchables, cereal & bag snacks. Hmmm.....what is wrong with this picture??? Veggies, fruits, healthy snacks, water???? Why am I not hearing these words?? You are judging this child yet you are contributing factor to her road to a Biggest Loser contestant. How dare you? ....look in the mirror...you have no room to talk and until you are taking care of your own "weight issues" and helping that child on a road to eating healthy and and making healthy choices...you need to shut the bleepity bleep up!

It's so easy to judge other people, but unless our "houses" are spotless I suggest we "look in that mirror"...and look in it often...I know I will be.

To all those people whom I threw stones...I am truly sorry, I will be taking extreme care of my glass house in the future.

On a side note...Koli you are the Biggest Loser...CONGRATS my fellow Rohnert Parkian.

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