Don't look in the closet, your presents are in there. REALLY, now all I can think about is looking in the closet.
Don't use the toliet it's broken. Are you kidding me, did you have to mention it, I would have been fine if I didn't know, but now my tonsils are instantly floating and I feel like my bladder is going to explode.
Your cholesterol is high so "don't" eat fried fatty foods....Where's the closest In-n-Out burger? I need a double cheeseburger animal style with a french fries and a chocolate shake.
Don't scratch that mosquito bite, you'll make it worse...gee thanks for that it didn't itch until you said it and now I want to scratch my arm off.
Don't be late. Well I hadn't planned on it but now that you felt the need to poison my mind with your "don't-ease" I think I just might have to make you suffer, 5...10...or maybe even 15 minutes.
There are so many more....
Just to give you a little background to this rant, last Monday in my exercise class I pulled something in my calf, at least that is what I thought. I've gone about life this last week, in pain, surprised every day by the new colors that our appearing not only on my calf but my ankle,foot and entire leg below the knee. (I've included a pic so you can see the beauty of me the pic does not do it justice)
Unfortunately, it wasn't getting better in what I thought was an acceptable time frame so at a friends recommendation I went to a chiropractor who specializes in sports injuries. Much to my dismay I found out that what I thought was a pulled muscle was actually a tear...No bueno....after 45 minutes of "therapy" she tells me, "Whatever you do DON'T stretch the muscle" Easy for you to say lady, I would like all of you to try to go about your every day not stretching your calf muscle. It is in no uncertain terms impossible. Just about every move you make somehow stretches tht muscle. I will do my best but just know I won't be successful. If only you didn't use that word?
So....all that said, my proposal is to do a way with the word "don't". Suggestions welcome.....
I believe together we can overcome such a word and believe me when I say I "won't" be using it!